Monday, April 28, 2014

Brand Me: BAM! Sparkles...

To be noticed in the blogosphere, a person has to have a unique voice. An "x" factor that makes them different or special that makes them stand out among all the other blogs. Search for "dog blogs" or "cooking blogs" or "parenting blogs" you get millions of hits. How do you choose?

It's the one that hits you with the BAM! Sparkles...

What is BAM! Sparkles...? It's that kind of personality that makes you want to be around a person or an item that demands you collect it or a picture that draws you in just because it's Some people have this kind of personality. And when you can recreate that as a blogger, you can forge a relationship with your fans that becomes a loyal readership.

What is my BAM! Sparkles...?

Well, just to tease you, what do a fundamentalist Christian, a gay black man, an Islamic terrorist, and a Japanese kamikaze pilot have to do with speculative fiction?

Revision. It's what's for dinner.

First course: May 1st.

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