What bothers me the most is the conclusion I've come to: every child everywhere is taught to hate someone. Yes! Even the most open-minded, kindhearted parents and teachers and mentors teach hate every day.
I said it.
I mean it.
Watch me prove it.
We start out our journey as little children learning opposites. Up and down. Left and right. Yes and no. It is part of the learning process of the brain to start dividing things into categories so we can understand what fits and what doesn't. That's how the brain works.
The next step is more subtle. We learn that one of those two things is BETTER than the other. Up is almost always better than down. Right historically has always had a better connotation than left. Yes is soooo much better than no.
When master these two concepts--categorization and elevation--and start combining them, then we start applying that code of learning to EVERY ASPECT of our lives. That's part of the learning process as well: applying past learning methods to new situations.
When we encounter new people--different people--we start categorizing them. Notice the word "them." I've already done it. I've already put someone in a category. I've already placed a barrier between me and my potential opponent. How awful! That someone, that PERSON, could have been the best friend I've ever had, yet because of the way my brain works in categorizing "same and different," "us and them," I've made someone a "them." I've just played the hate card out of my life deck.
Whoa there, Cannon! You didn't say you hated them. You just said you put them in a different group than your own.
Yes, but that's how it starts. When we see people as groups, as stereotypes, as masses, we forget that each individual is...well...an individual. When we forget that, we start down the path of hate.
We all have a life deck of cards in our virtual hands. We have plenty of cards we can play in the game as we meet, greet, love, and learn. Why do so many people choose to play the hate card again and again?
- It's an easy play. You always "win" if you hate first, because you feel you have the power over the other person. Little do you realize you're wasting your cards because hate only breeds hate back.
- Hate garners attention. How many celebrities have flocked to certain places this past week to get their share of the attention? They don't care about the cause. They want the eyes. The accolades.
- Loving others is hard work. Helping others takes time, money and resources. Getting to know a person as a person is much more difficult than simply hating them and everything they represent.
Notice, my friends, I haven't mentioned any sides, any colors, any affiliations, any religions, or any political parties in this post. Every single person in this world--including me--is guilty of playing the hate card. It's horrible and I wish as a HUMAN RACE we could grow up and realize that up and down, left and right, yes and no does not apply to placing people into categories where we judge the character of their person by the groups they affiliate with or the color of their skin or the departments they work for or the political party they choose to vote for or which religion they choose.
What does this have to do with writing? EVERYTHING.
As a writer I want to change the world. I want my books to show people that stereotypes CAN be broken. That the norm ISN'T the norm and that's a good thing. I want happy endings and hope and even in the darkest hour, I want someone to believe they are not alone.
People are people. Get to know them. They might surprise you.
It's time to become an adult, world. Revise your thinking.
Any other reasons you can think of that people play the hate card? I'd love to hear from you.
Next main course on Revision is a Dish Best Served Cold:
Sci/Fi vs. Fantasy: YES, there IS as Difference!
Also look for my articles on Walrus Publishing’s website.
Currently: Adverbaholics Anonymous
Like Ghost Stories? I’m published in Rocking Horse Publishing’s
Spirits of St. Louis: Missouri Ghost Stories. Check it out!
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